I was at the supermarket buying my favourite gaga.
I bought two big packs, which would then be $3.40. I gave her $4 (AND I AM BEING VERY KIND ALREADY cox i saw a few $50 notes in my purse, and none small notes left, so for that split moment i decided to be kind between being difficult or being kind. So anyway that's my monologue-motions, LOL) and she should give me back 60cents, right? BUT SHE GAVE ME BACK like..
FIVE 10CENTS COIN. Damn. I should give her like 34 10cents coins in the first place, or like 68 5cents. But anyway, so the main point is she gave me 10cent short. 10 cent.
小姐, 对不起, 你只给我五毛.StupidChinaWoman:
不. 六毛.LIU MAO?!?!? MAO YOUR CURLY PUBIC HAIR LOH!!! Mao!!!! I hate you!
Err.. 没有五毛而以leh. 你看.StupidChinaWoman:
你倒出来看看呀!KAN NI MA DE TOU!!!! I got like plenty of coins inside, sure got 10cents. Then what, all from you is it?!?! You dumbhead. FIRST OF ALL, do i look like someone who will cheat you of your 10cents?!
I got fairy wand, flowers, no makeup still look like have (lie), natural orange light glow at my back and one vending machine lol, so tell me, in which way do i look like i will cheat your 10cents.
NO RIGHT!??!SECOND OF ALL, if you are not trying to cheat your own company and customers all together (which is
not surprising from her, somehow), why you give me back all ten cents? To confuse me right?! Why not like 50cent + 10 cent, or like three 20cents.
HUH?! WHY?! Why all 10cents?!
WHY?! ANSWER ME! *slap slap slap and a kick* to send her back to where she belongs, you know, where all of such con-artist unite..
And then the last part of the conversation was the worst i could ever endure from her.
tsk.. *rolleye ball and gin me before returning me the 10cents*
I GOT VERY PRETTY LEGS YOU KNOW?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
Ah, this post can go on forever, i can curse her and her whole clan. You know, for the milk, and the past many incidents and this morning i saw on the newspaper her clan added some nice smelling stuff to the rotten crab to make them smell like good normal crabs and then sell them. Sigh. They are really weird right? Like cave people living in urban city, they don't mind killing their own people just so long they can have the money to survive. Survive for what, i don't know. If i have to be so evil to just survive (not even to get rich!), i am not so sure if i still should survive.
Anyway, this one china woman is stupid to the max already. She tsk me you know, i can't believe it. She also gave me the face when she rolleyes in disbelief that i will go to that extend for that 10cents.
同志, 10cents can do a lot of things you know. Like going to the public loo. You let me shit in your mouth lah, i give you the 10cents. If not, WHY SHOULD I GIVE IN WHEN it's MY 10CENTS?!
AH. Stop. I should stop. She totally offended me on the wrong day. It's my first day of AV (Auntie Visit) today.
I will go back there again and dress up different, and buy the same thing, give the same amount to be changed. If she gives me five 10cents again, i will call her boss out and then call the police. HAHAHA. Yay~~~~~ YAY!!! Think only i very happy already! =D