I know what comes to your mind now.
Tupperware - Containers extremely useful when da-baoing food.
I used to call any plastic container - tupperware.
NO MORE!!! =D Those normal containers shall always stay as containers.
And "Tupperware" is only for the extraordinary TUPPERWARE.
Please follow the link and check out their new collection of strikingly beautiful and colourful Tupperwares. Oh, please don't be too surprised to find that they carry skincare products and makeup too. I was VERY surprised by that.
It was very very glad for me to be invited by Sheena from The Right Spin to do a show for the Tupperware Brands just last week.
Bring a Mic for the pictures please~
That was totally hot, the models all were backstage moving to their music.
And yes, i know my purse is sooooo cute. It's $1.20, from TPY interchange, that pink wannabe Hello Kitty shop.
That's Ethan on the left and Sheena on the right.
Okay i am beaten. Quickly, if you have a blog, and would like to be invited to a HTC event DONE by The Right Spin, and blog about it after, please email me. Loves.