
    Shiyu, MingZhou & i went out the other day. We had sup at some HK style restaurant. And i super miss this!!! Reminds me of what i have for almost very meal while training in HKG.

    It was my first time seeing Orchard ion & Orchard Central. And i don't like it. Why do they keep building things? Aren't we supposed to start conserving this and that and reduce, reuse, recycle? Then why is it that they build this BIG building and that BIG building and then later ask us to save paper, save water? I makes sense to me but everyone will say.. People need to move forward, towards new things.



    Sy and i was taking this picture and after that..

    Sy: 你可以拍照不要每次頭大大, 眼睛大大 then 嘴小小的嗎?!

    So i see her this picture, no angle but eyes still very super big. So i try..


    Besides, normal angle and tilt head angle, the nose is 他媽的難 photoshop.


    Easy way out is this =D

    How can i forget to introduce my buddy Ming Zhou right!!!
    He is.. Available okay =DDD

    And that's Sy going snap snap snap.

    Snap snap.. Her watch like super cute can?!

    Sy took a yandao shot of Mz and say he can put on Facebook.
    See, even Sy is telling you, Mz is..
    Available. Haha..


    If you trust me, i can tell you that the one not wearing shoe in a restaurant, is not me.
    Really. Trust me.

    Sy and i met some reporters asking about Mz.
    So we said..

    He, is.. Available.

    After sup we headed for a movie. At 2am!!! I KNOW!!! Its like so crazy for me cox i haven't stay out so late for like 4 years!!!

    We caught Twilight - New Moon. I am not going to tell you what i think of the movie but i am going to tell you to watch out for this scene in the starting part where Edward ask Bella to take a walk and then they end up in the forest and then later somehow, Bella just slept on the ground and lost conscious.

    Then next scene!!! Is THE scene of the whole movie for me.

    The guy on the left is a warewolf right. I think it was him who picked Bella out of the woods.

    Next frame was just showing his(guy in the above picture) chest carrying Bella back out.

    Immediately i say.....

    ONG BAK.
    Friggin' funny!!!

    For those who don't know, Ong Bak is this guy who never had a shirt on in the movie according to my memory. LOL!!! I laughed throughout the show, laugh after the show and laughed eveyday after the show just thinking about it!!! I mean like Ong Bak is a Thai and it'd just be super wacky is Ong Bak run all the way to Ang Moh country to bring Bella out of the woods right.

    And Edward is not a good man. He's so mean okay, asking Bella to take a walk in the woods and the later leave her there?! Scully she lost her way how!? And then end of it, he THOUGHT she's dead, but he transport himself so super fast, why cannot transport to her and and check it out leh?! She had to bloody ride in a car and squeeze through sweaty people at a parade to get to him. Weird.

    Then after after.. We were taking picture of ourselves looking tired at 5am plus.

    Yawning in action, good one..

    Ugly and shag.. Not bad..

    Ming Zhou?


    Okay lah! I love my friends!!!


    P/S: MingZhou is...


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