It's my birthday!!! ^.^

    I'd think about what i want and then come back again. Lol.

    For now, please leave a comment to wish that i'd grow prettier, younger-looking and earn more money to bring my dad for a good trip overseas.


    Thank you for being nice. Thank you for coming back in. Thank you =))

    I hope i've been a decent human so far. Lol.

    And by the way.. I discovered something SUPER DUPER AMAZING just now.

    I'm not paid to blog about this but i'm sure all the A cuppers will be super thankful to find out about this. Cox CONFIRM will have natural-looking cleavage OMG OMG OMG I AM STIL SO EXCITED WHY!!!

    B cuppers will now look like C cuppers. Hate you all. Lol.

    Swear i wasn't pushing/ squeezing.

    I'm a 24 year old adult already. So here you have, a picture of me with cleavage. LOLOL.

    And the freaking unbelievable thing is that this bra has no wire O.O And is seamless. I have no idea how they push up, plus push the two boobs closer. I'd like to dedicate "How do i live" to this U-bra, thank you, Cora Lingerie. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    OMG. I hope i can share more with you about this brand cox i am TRULY IMPRESSED!!! Til then!!!

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