The other shoot

    This was a dumb shot by YongMing.

    And self-shot, good shot. Meaning, Ym sucks.

    And this is YongMing on his first time. Haha. I am so excited to see the pictures! Not becox' i wanna see myself! But becox Naomi (my neice) and Bong (my nephew) will be appearing on a big big banner i heard!

    But of course i am always excited to see myself. Even if it might be just a quarter of the face.

    Anyway, don't insult me with rubbish. Thanks. Rubbish belongs to the dustbin. Do i look like a gucking dustbin?! HUH?! Guck you, all.

    I DO NOT own any single one of you all, anymore.

    QiuQiu and just QiuQiu

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