I know you are already wondering..

    Why do i put such a blurred, low-resolution, pui-cao-nua picture, right at the top of my post when i should be posting up some chio chio pictures, since i haven't blogged as regular as before. You'd find out okay, it's totally fun.

    Random LoveMySelf shots..

    I cut my hair.

    I lied. I didn't. Please totally check out my top can? Very basic, long and slim fit. Bought it at $3.90 at Carrefour. You know what's the best thing? The material! You see those dotty holes? If you have a baby/ toddler at home, you sure can find something very similar in their wardrobe.

    Don't mind all the weird colour tinge ah.
    Sometimes you just get hooked to it for a while.

    And me without makeup. BUT with a bit of photoshop.

    OH OH, before i forget!



    Tomorrow i'm heading to JB!!!!! Weeeeeeee!!!!
    FOOOOOOoooood!!! Mango in hiamjio and daoyou!!!
    I am going to stuffed myself until like i go at 45kg.. And come back at 46 okay. HAHAHA. Just the thought of it!!! FOOooood!

    Also i am going to the most exciting location for a job next week. EXCITED!

    Plus plus, i got myself a pink dress for my birthday. EXCITED!

    And and and! I just done a shoot for a new blogshop! EXCITED to show you the pictures!

    So! You still remember i got something to show you today?












    You want a picture of yourself like that? Email me. Maybe i'd consider. Remember to send one with the stupid slanted eye ok!

    XOXO - A bit gross coming from me, i know. But i am having hangover after finally watching Paris Hilton's BFF on MTV channel. Hahaha. Anyway, TTYN TTYL.

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