Dry. But i try. Lolol.

    So this is the part where i have some kind of mind-block. And i sit here with a fresh post, having no purpose on what i wanna blog about today. And the only reason that could happen is.. I TRULY, have nothing to blog about. Hahaha.

    Okay lah, the real reason is.. I haven't been snapping chio pictures of myself recently and that's equivalent to no motivation to blog.

    How about.. Let's see what i've done in recent days. OH NOTHING. That's all byeeee~ Hahaha. Kidding. I'd blog about the flea soon! Super thankful the sponsors were all really helpful! And also super big thank-you hug to those who came and support the sale of calendar that day!

    AND FOR THAT ONE GIRL who asked for a third discount, for something that is ALREADY discounted and AFTER i gave another FIVE DOLLAR discount to you, i hope you are proud of yourself =) It was a fund-raising mini flea, dude. Charity. Sigh.


    How about you guys send me a few questions, and then i answer.

    OH OH OH, I KNOW WHAT I'D DO!!! You guys send me questions, i'd answer it in another post, IN MAGAZINE FORMAT!!!!!! WANT NOT!!!! Come please, ask me some questions. Interesting ones please.

    Then i can have reasons to put up random chio pictures of myself. Lol. Like you know how celebrities will appear on the cover of a magazine and then inside is all interview and all her pictures and then in the pictures, it'd be one or two random quotes from her interview.

    HAHAHAHA. I'm so self-obsessed.

    Please ask me what's my favourite drink. I love to answer that question. And other stuff also. Also you can ask me who i dislike. NVM I TELL YOU NOW, i dislike that LOW CLASS SHUTHO. Okay don't need to ask that question already. Lol.

    Okay so i end off the ramblings here. Send me a few questions by leaving a comment in this post or i'd start sending myself questions. LOL. "Hi Qiuting, how to be as pretty as you?", "Hi Qiuting, why are you so cute?" LOLOL. Yeah if you see these questions, i probably asked them myself. Lol.

    Some pictures of Mich and i at a club the other day for some event.

    Mich and i ^.^
    That day her dress SUPER sexy and pretty!!! Bare back one. Lol.
    While waiting for cab to go for supper. We figured out something.

    We figured how some people can smile and light up the whole world by looking majorly happy.

    One, squint your eye

    Two, squash the muscles between your eyebrows and nose bridge.

    Lastly, smile (show teeth kind) with your upper and lower teeth not touching each other.

    There you have, you'd look like you're super happy, candidly. Lol.

    Like what i impromptu-ly took with my iPhone camera here.

    Hahaha. Not sure about lighting up the whole world but i'm sure i look happy here.

    Okay maybe not. After looking at it again, i look retarded. No like really retarded. Lack of the drooling only.

    Also the tables in that club we were at WERE ALL SO FUCKING STUPID AND POINTLESS.

    No wait, it is not pointless. IT IS OVERLY POINTY. Hahaha. It's like some designer tables with super lotsa potiny edges and LOOK WHAT IT'S DONE TO ME!!!

    That place is dark like most clubs are and it's hard to get in and get out of the seats already they still so freaking stupid go put tables like this.

    SEE! HATE.
    Ah don't say already lah. Lol. One last picture of Mich and me! <333 ^.^

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